Information cookies
This information on the use of cookies is made to the user in implementation of the provision of the guarantor for the protection of personal data of 8 May 2014 “identification of simplified modalities for information and acquisition of consent for use of cookies “and respecting the art. 13 of the Privacy code (D. Lgs. No. 196/2003).
Cookies are short text fragments (letters and/or Numbers) that allow the Web server to store on the client (the Browser) information to reuse during the same visit to the site (session cookies) or later, even at a distance of days (cookies Persistent). Cookies are stored, depending on the User’s preference, from the individual browser on the specific device used (computers, tablets, smartphones).
During the navigation the user could receive on his terminal also cookies of different sites (so-called “third party” cookies), set up directly by the managers of such web sites and used for the purposes and according to the modalities defined by Them.
Cookie Farm Web site Firmino Miotti
This website uses technical cookies to ensure proper operation of the procedures and improve the experience of using online Applications. The User’s prior consent is not required for the installation of these Cookies.
The website of Firmino Miotti does not acquire any personal data from the users who access it.
Cookies are not made for the transmission of personal information, nor are persistent cookies of any kind used, or systems for tracking Users.
The use of so-called session cookies (which are not persistently stored on the User’s computer and fade away with the closure of the Browser) is strictly limited to the transmission of Session identifiers (consisting of random numbers generated by Required to allow safe and efficient exploration of the web Site.
The session cookies used on this web site avoid the use of other computer techniques potentially detrimental to the confidentiality of users ‘ navigation and do not allow the acquisition of personal identifying information of the User.
Third party Cookies
By visiting a website you can receive cookies from both the visited site (“owners”) and from sites managed by other organizations (“third parties”). An example is the presence of “social plugins” for Facebook and Twitter. These are parts of the page visited generated directly by these sites and integrated into the page of the host Site. The most common use of social plugins is aimed at sharing content on social networks.
The presence of these plugins involves the transmission of cookies to and from all sites managed by third Parties. For the management of information collected by “third parties” It is necessary to refer to the respective informative notices, which can be found at the following links:
Facebook information:
Twitter information:
YOUTUBE information:
The site also includes components transmitted by Google Analytics, a Web traffic analysis service provided by google, Inc. (“Google”). Such cookies are used only in order to monitor and improve the performance of the Site.
Through cookies, the Google Analytics tool collects information anonymously and records Web site trends without identifying individual visitors. Browsers do not share the Google Analytics Tool’s proprietary cookies across multiple Domains. Google Analytics does not report information about the actual IP addresses of Visitors. Because of the use of a method known as IP masking, Google Analytics communicates information so that only one part of the IP address is used for geolocation, instead of the entire address.
You can download the browser add-in for disabling Google Analytics. The add-in communicates to the Google Analytics JavaScript code (ga. Js) to indicate that the visit information to the Web site should not be sent to Google Analytics. The browser add-in for disabling Google Analytics does not prevent the information from being sent to the Web site Itself. The user can selectively disable the Google Analytics action by installing the Opt-out component provided by Google on their browser.
For more information, please see the following links:
The data generated by Google Analytics is kept by Google as indicated in the information available at the following link:
To consult the privacy policy of the company Google Inc., an autonomous owner of the processing of data relating to the Google Analytics service, please refer to the Web site
How to disable Cookies
You can deny the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate setting on your browser: the unauthenticated navigation on the portal will still be available in all its functionalities. Below we provide links that explain how to disable cookies for the most popular browsers (for other browsers may be used suggest to search this option in the help of software normally available through the F1 key):
Internet Explorer:
Google Chrome:
Mozilla Firefox:
Apple Safari:
You can only disable Google Analytics cookies by using the Opt-out add-in provided by Google for your primary browsers.
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